

Ministerul Educatiei

Ministerul Educației este organismul Guvernului României care coordonează sistemul de învățământ din România, stabilește obiectivele sistemului de învățământ în ansamblul său, precum și obiectivele educaționale pe niveluri și profiluri de învățământ.

Jolly Phonics

A programme that grows with your children

Our flagship programme, Jolly Phonics, teaches children to read and write using synthetic phonics, which is widely recognised as the most effective way to teach children to read and write in English. That was over 25 years ago. Since then our immense progress has been studied in numerous research projects, the results of which led to phonics becoming central to the UK curriculum. Today we are now used in over 100 countries worldwide…


Reggio Children

Reggio Children is an international centre for the defence and promotion of children’s rights and potentials. It was created with the intention of valorising and safeguarding the experience of  Reggio Emilia’s Municipal Infant-Toddler Centres and Preschools, known in Italy and throughout the world as the Reggio Emilia Approach®.


Cărturești is a cultural venue that functions as a bookshop, tea studio, and project space, taking direct action towards revitalizing the Romanian artistic life, urban pleasures and social responsibilities. Since its opening at the end of year 2000, Cărturești set its mission on changing the trend in the downsloping book market, promoting quality and value by regarding clients’ demands as a priority investment.

Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press advances knowledge and learning. From a child reading their first words to a researcher expanding the frontiers of their field, the possibilities are endless. Established in the earliest days of printing and throughout our 400 year history, we have always been home to the inquisitive, the passionate, and the ambitious. We welcome new ideas and fresh thinking, and offer the opportunity for individuals and teams to make their mark.

British-owned education publishing and assessment service to schools and corporations, as well as directly to students.

Cursurile Academiei de Robotică se bazează pe o metodă de învățare inovativă dezvoltată în cei 8 ani de experienţă, care combină elementele practice cu o tehnologie integrată, pentru a crea o experiență unică pentru copii. Activitățile ajută la dezvoltarea abilităților şi cunoștiințelor în domenii precum știință, tehnologie, inginerie, artă și matematică (STEAM) şi robotică şi asigură accesul fiecărui copil la abilitățile de colaborare